Annual General Meeting Notice and Election


Annual General Meeting Notice 2022 (PDF)

On behalf of the Board of Management notice is hereby given that the 77th Annual General Meeting of the Gosnells Golf Club (Inc) will be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 12 October at 7:30pm. 

Annual General Meeting minutes 2021(PDF) 


We have received 3 nominations for the vacant positions of 2 Non-Executive board members.

Candidates received (click on their name for profile and photo): 

Listed in order of surname alphabetical order:

Charlotte Hall

Selva Kumar

Robert Olde


Every eligible voting member would have received an email link for your electronic vote. This is a special unique voting link and once your vote is submitted, it cannot be changed.

Paper ballot is available for eligible voting members (from the office, from Tuesday 27 September) and if you opt to vote by paper, your electronic vote (if applicable) is no longer valid. Your paper vote will be added for the final tally in the electronic voting platform when the voting has closed. 

It is our preference that every member utilise the electronic voting platform for ease of administration.