Divots and Course Care Message


From Terry Gale, Chairman of Greens:

The divots on the photo below are on the 8th hole approximately 100m – 130m from the green (picture taken on Monday 20 Feb). The divots are consistent in their length & depth and it would appear that the person who has hit potentially 5 practice balls know what they are doing.

I mentioned in my January newsletter that the practice of hitting 3 or 4 golf balls onto a green is to cease. What makes this even worse is that the golfer in question has not even attempted to knock in their divots. 

This golfer is not considerate of his or her fellow members and their lack of courtesy in repairing their divots is a major concern. 

It is also highly unlikely that a fellow public golfer will be playing 5 practice shots therefore this is likely from a club member. 

Should this member be identified or future incidents identified, the Club will likely bring the alleged to a membership suspension as course care is an important issue for all of us. 

It is the members (and all golfers) responsibility to knock in their divots, not the ground staff on your behalf.