August Greens Newsletter

Congratulations to all the Club champions and everyone who participated. It was an interesting experience due to the wet weather and the Championships being put back one week.

We have experienced a couple of very wet months which have impacted on the course; however, the course has stood up well in trying conditions.

There is significant water in the 15th lake which we have not seen for many years. Refer photo below.

  1. Course renovations – The course will be closed from Monday the 9 September until Friday midday the 13th .All fairways and greens will be cored with the greens sanded as per our annual maintenance schedule.


  1. Tree removal – During the course closure several trees will be removed in line with the Greens audit report. Two large gum trees will be removed on both the LHS & RHS of the 7th . We were also hoping to remove three trees located between the 13th green & 15th fairway together with two trees on the RHS of the 15th green. Due to Western Power now requiring 14 trees to be trimmed along Warton road as per item 3 below these trees will be removed at a later time. The three trees on the RHS of the entrance will also be removed as these trees are encroaching into the wet areas of the property next door.


  1. Western Power – Every year Western Power examines the tree line along Warton and Ranford roads to ensure no trees grow close to the power lines. We have received a notice from Western Power to trim 14 trees along Warton Road. Three of these trees are in the area maintained by the Gosnells council. These trees will be trimmed during renovation week.


  1. Volunteers & E/B’s – The volunteers have commenced clearing the dead & fallen branches as well as removing the wattles in the area next to the dam along the 15th . Several members have commented that they did not know that the dam was so close to the 15th lake. We are hopeful that you may be able to see the water from the 15th tee or fairway in due course. The volunteers will also be collecting cores during renovation week so that we can rotary hoe along both the LHS and RHS of the first fairway to remove the bare areas and parramatta grass, together with the parramatta grass next to the 3rd green as well as repairing bare areas on the RHS of the 15th fairway including the area where the two trees are to be removed. The E/B’s continue to repair divots on various holes around the course. A special thank you to everyone who has assisted.


  1. Staff – We are actively looking at finding a replacement for one of our staff who resigned back in March. I am also pleased to advise that we have been successful in locating a casual to assist with the rolling of greens on a Saturday morning. With a bit of luck, the Saturday players will experience quicker, slicker greens shortly, subject to the weather.


  1. Trees – The past Captains and Presidents have put a proposal to Greens to plant three dwarf flowering gums behind the 7th . Greens Committee have approved this request.


  1. 7th green – There are several brown patches on this green. These areas are dormant couch grass that will be sprayed in due course.


  1. General maintenance – The following was completed by Grounds:
  • Verti draining wet areas on the course.
  • The 6th fairway where water was accumulating has been cored. This area should now drain when it next rains.
  • Continue to needle tyne all greens.
  • Spray the Clover, flatweed, Guildford and nutgrass weeds.         

Until next month happy golfing and happy Father’s Day.

Report by,

Terry Gale

Chairman of Greens