September Greens Newsletter

What a month. The AFL has a new premier in the Brisbane Lions. The NFL are closing in on their Grand final. Renovation week has come and gone and on top of that we have enjoyed a couple of weeks of nice warm weather which was a change from the previous two months.

Snakes – Dugites and the occasional Tiger snakes are now awakening from their hibernation. We urge members to be extremely careful. A 2-metre dugite was photographed near the 11th green on Saturday the 14th Refer photo below.

Course renovations – The course renovations went smoothly with perfect weather. Areas that were actioned:

    • Fairway cores on the 1st, 9th, 15th and 18th were picked up by the volunteers & E/B’s to use in areas of the rough with most of the cores being smashed into pieces by drag mats before the leftover husks being blown into the rough. By smashing and blowing the cores it releases a lot of trapped nutrients back into the surface giving the fairways an instant kick, it also gives a light topdressing and eliminates the unsightly wheel marks left by the sweepers used in previous years.
    • All greens were cored and sanded and had a complete granular fertilizer applied.
    • A root pruner was engaged to cut roots that protrude onto the fairways.
    • 8 Trees were removed. 4 from the front entrance, 2 near the 7th green as per the Greens audit report and 2 on the RHS of the 15th. In addition around 12 trees were trimmed along Warton road as per the notice received from Western Power.
    • Many benefits come from coring and sanding greens and improving the health of the turf with details as follows:
      • Removal of organic material (thatch) which is just below the surface of the turf. This organic material can hold on to water making the surface softer and spongier.
      • To increase oxygen levels to the root zone and improving overall health of the turf.
      • Help in removing black layer by increasing oxygen levels and allowing the area to dry. (black layer develops when the oxygen levels are poor due to the soil being saturated)

Image of black layer just below the turf surface

  • By relieving compaction and adding new sand into the profile via the core holes, this improves drainage as well as the benefits of items 2 and 3.
  • Volunteers & E/B’s – I would like to extend my gratitude to the following members who assisted with collecting cores during Renovation week:
  • David Stephensen
  • Mark Halliday
  • Ken Gray
  • Darryl Brisset
  • Eugene De Vries
  • Jack De Groot

They did a magnificent job for a bunch of 60 – 70 plus year olds.

With a bit of luck, we should see a vast improvement along the 1st fairway [both L & RHS], as well as the RHS of the 15th fairway including the bare area near the green where the two trees were removed when these areas are rotary hoed. We were hoping to rotary hoe the parramatta grass near the third green however we do not have sufficient cores to renovate this area at the present time.

Staff – We have been successful in employing two further full-time staff, which means we are now at our full time complement. Welcome Colby and Owen. Unfortunately, our casual has resigned therefore it is unknown when we will commence to roll the greens on a Saturday morning. We have once again commence advertising this role.

 Green surrounds & Tees – These areas will be cored over coming weeks and surplus cores utilised to assist with the bare areas on the 1st & 15th if required.

Greens & Fairways – The height of the cut on the greens has been raised to 4mm whilst the height of the fairways has been reduced to 6mm.                 

Irrigation Audit report – This report was received in the September 2024 and addressed the two primary issues of the Pressurized irrigation mainlines and 2-way solenoid cable system throughout the course.      

  • The report identified that most of our pipework is now more than 35 years old. As a result of the age of the pipework we have been faced with some major repairs as the pipework and couplings are failing.
  • The 2-wire cable system is now more than 30 years old and has been breaking down at an increasing rate.
  • The effect of the above means that we are unable to water as effectively as possible. Our water flow rate is around 70.0 litres per second but should be around 83.0 litres per second. Therefore, it takes longer to water our course due to the reduced flow of water.
  • By upgrading the irrigation system, we then have the option of watering just certain areas of the course if they are experiencing drying out or receiving too much water.
  • The Audit has proposed that we replace our existing system over a 5-year period and primarily during the winter months.
  • The proposed cost is around 1.3m.
  • The report has been submitted to the Board for consideration.


General maintenance – The following was completed by Grounds during September or planned to commence during October:

  • Installing rough stations and sprinklers near the 3rd fairway, 16th green [LHS] and 18th fairway [RHS                         near the lake].
  • Top dressing all tee boxes and levelling out.
  • Reestablish the bent nursery where the turf has been removed.
  • Spray the Clover, flatweed, Guildford and nutgrass weeds.          


For those members who are not aware, I am not renominating for the position of Chairman of Greens. My final newsletter will be the October edition. I wish the successful candidate and the committee every success in their endeavour to continue to improve & return the course to its rightful position as one of the best metropolitan courses in Perth.

Until next month happy golfing and lets enjoy the spring weather.

Terry Gale

Chairman of Greens