The 78th Annual General Meeting of the Gosnells Golf Club will be held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 11 October 2023 at 7:30pm.
In line with Clause 15 of the Club Constitution, nominations are called for the following positions as Office Bearers for a two (2) year term:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
And the one (1) year term for:
- 2 x non executives board members
All nominations must be entered on the prescribed form that is available from the administration office and must be supported by a proposer and seconder, signed by the nominee, proposer & seconder and lodged with the general manager no later than 5pm on Tuesday 12 September 2023.
Please note the change of our constitution (as of 2 May 2022) which states, as per clause 11 (a):
The management of the Club shall be all categories of membership with playing rights (exception of Juniors) save that for the positions of President, Vice-President, Captain and Chairman of Greens which shall be elected from Full or Life Membership. All eligible members must be at least a minimum of two (2) years financial.
All Members nominating for board positions are encouraged to review the roles and responsibilities of each position as defined overleaf prior to nominating.
All notices of motion must be in writing and lodged with the General Manager by 5pm on Tuesday 12 September 2023.
Fiza Errington
29 August 2023
Notice of AGM and Notice of Election (PDF)
Board Nomination Form 2023 (PDF)
As per our constitution
The President is the Senior Executive Officer of the Club who shall be:
(i) responsible to co-ordinate the activities of the Board of Management and the overall administration of the Club.
(ii) an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees.
The Vice-President shall:
(i) assist the President in all matters and shall chair such special Sub-Committees as the President may direct.
(ii) in the absence of the President become the Senior Officer and assume all of the President’s immediate duties and responsibilities.
The Honorary Treasurer shall be Chairperson of the Finance Sub-Committee who shall ensure that:
(i) correct accounts and books are kept which show the financial affairs of the Club and
(ii) particulars usually shown in books of account of a like nature
(iii) shall make up the Annual Financial Statement of the Club as at 30th June in each year, which shall, after audit, be printed and circulated amongst the Members of the Club by the General Manager before the Annual General Meeting and
(iv) income and expenditure budgets and cash flow projections are maintained for the Club.
Roles and responsibilities of Board Members
- Obligations of the Board
The Board must take all reasonable steps to ensure the Club complies with its obligations under the Act and these Rules.
(ii) Responsibilities of Board Members
- A Board Member must exercise his or her powers and discharge his or her duties with a degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise in the circumstances.
- A Board Member must exercise his or her powers and discharge his or her duties in good faith in the best interests of the Club and for a proper purpose.
- A Board Member or former Board Member must not improperly use information obtained or improperly use his or her position to:
- gain an advantage for himself or herself or another person; or
- cause detriment to the Club.
(iii) A Board Member having any material personal interest, i.e. financial or non-financial interests, in a matter being considered at a Board Meeting must
- as soon as he or she becomes aware of that interest, disclose the nature and extent of his or her interest to the Board.
- disclose the nature and extent of the interest at the next General Meeting of the Club and
- not be present while the matter is being considered at the Board Meeting or vote on the matter.
(iv) Section 15(c)(iii) does not apply in respect of a material personal interest that
- exists only because the Board Member belongs to a class of persons for whose benefit The Club is established or
- the Board Member has in common with all, or a substantial proportion of, the members of The Club.
(v) The General Manager must record every disclosure made by a Board Member under Section 15(c)(iii) in the Minutes of the Board Meeting at which the disclosure is made.
(vi) No Board Member shall make any public statement or comment or cause to be published any words or article concerning the conduct of the Club unless the person is authorised by the Board to do so and such authority is recorded in the Minutes of the Board Meeting.
(vii) No person shall be entitled to hold a position on the Board if the person has been convicted of, or imprisoned in the previous five years for
- an indictable offence in relation to the promotion, formation or management of a body corporate;
- an offence involving fraud or dishonesty punishable by imprisonment for a period
of not less than three months or
- an offence under Part 4 Division 3 or section 127 of the Act;
unless the person has obtained the consent of the Commissioner.
(viii) No person shall be entitled to hold a position on the Board if the person is, according to the Interpretation Act section 13D, a bankrupt or a person whose affairs are under insolvency laws unless the person has obtained the consent of the Commissioner.
(ix) The Club may pay a Board Member’s travelling and other expenses as properly incurred:
- in attending Board Meetings or Sub-Committee Meetings
- in attending any General Meetings of the Club and
- in connection with the Club’s business.
(x) Board Members must not receive any remuneration for their services as Board Members other than as described at Section 15(ix) unless agreed to at an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting.