Report by, Bev Thompson
On Monday the 29th of April we commenced our Divi 5 pennants with a new concept of playing in 4’s and mostly afternoon games.
Our 1st game was at home in the morning against Lakelands and we had a great win 4/2. Thank you to Rose, Andy and the club for all their help organising the day.
We then started our travelling around the Perth metropolitan area!!!
Round 2 was against The Vines at their home course where we had a 3 ½ – 2 ½ win. We then ventured out to Lakelands to play Royal Fremantle losing 4 – 2. We travelled just a little further north to Wanneroo for our foruth round matchup against Mount Lawley where we won 4 – 2. The following week was at Nedlands against WAGC where we lost 3 ½ – 2 ½. Round 6 was at WAGC against Wanneroo which we lost 4 ½ – 1 ½. Our last game was played at Royal Fremantle against Nedlands, the only other morning game we played, however we lost 5 – 1.
This year we had 3 new pennant players! I am sure they enjoyed the experience and would love to see them back playing for our great club next year. A great big thank you to Robyn Melvin and Andy Riggir for filling in at short notice, plus a huge thank you to all our players who put their hand up each week and played their very best. Your enthusiasm and endeavour was fantastic!
Sincere thanks to our team : Janet Cowan, Miriam Yoon, Sue Symes, Gum Chung, Shin Ok Kim and Yu Me Choi also to Chris Chung for being caddie each week.
Gosnells finished 5th and Royal Fremantle won our division.
Report by, Bev Thompson (Division 5 Captain)