Notice of AGM and call for nominations

The 79th Annual General Meeting of the Gosnells Golf Club will be held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 30 October 2024 at 7:30pm. 

In line with Clause 15 of the Club Constitution, nominations are called for the following positions as Office Bearers for a two (2) year term:

  • Captain
  • Chairman of Greens


And the one (1) year term for:

  • 2 x non executives board members


All nominations must be entered on the prescribed form that is available from the administration office and must be supported by a proposer and seconder, signed by the nominee, proposer & seconder and lodged with the general manager no later than 5pm on Tuesday 1 October 2024.

Please note the change of our constitution (as of 2 May 2022) which states, as per clause 11 (a):

The management of the Club shall be all categories of membership with playing rights (exception of Juniors) save that for the positions of President, Vice-President, Captain and Chairman of Greens which shall be elected from Full or Life Membership. All eligible members must be at least a minimum of two (2) years financial.

All Members nominating for board positions are encouraged to review the roles and responsibilities of each position as defined overleaf prior to nominating.

All notices of motion must be in writing and lodged with the General Manager by 5pm on Tuesday 1 October 2024.


Fiza Errington
18 September 2024


Notice of AGM and call for nominations full document (PDF)