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Thursday 27 June 2024


Captain Update 

Dear members,

Wednesday PM and Friday optional 18-hole competition to cease

With effect from the first Friday in July, there will no longer be an optional 18-hole competition on Wednesdays and Fridays.  The Friday timesheet will be casual play only through to Twilights.

At our Club, there is a mix of members who wish to mainly play social golf while others who wish to mainly play competition golf.  Subject to their level of access, Members can play 18-hole competitions on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday each week along with a Women's only competition on Wednesday morning and the 9-hole Twilight competition on Friday afternoons.  The remainder of the timesheets are open to casual play.  I believe we have struck a fair balance in managing the weekly timesheets that give all members the opportunity to enjoy playing our great course in their preferred mode of golf.

Importantly there are no changes to the arrangements for Twilights.  Our Twilights 9-hole competition is part of the weekly routine for so many of our "Twilighters" who use this as an opportunity to come together at the end of the week for 9 holes of golf and socialising afterwards.

Green Presentation on a Saturday

Members playing on a Thursday have become accustomed to a premium experience on a Thursday - just as it should be for a premium day.

Over the last few months, I along with the remainder of the Board have been receiving feedback about the difference in course preparation between a Thursday and Saturday.  For many of our members, their game on a Saturday is their weekly game.  As a premium day - it should be a premium experience.

I can now advise that the Board have endorsed that as soon as practicable from 1 July, the preparation of the greens on a Saturday will be identical to that of a Thursday. 


No Show Policy

The Board has now approved a No Show Policy which has been developed due to some members not taking responsibility for managing their name on timesheets.

All members receive an email when they have been booked into the timesheet - if you are not receiving these emails, please check your email address on your member profile. Can I please ask all members as a matter of courtesy to your fellow members and our Pro Shop staff who manage the timesheet - if you are not able to make your tee time, please remove yourself from the timesheet at the earliest opportunity.

If you are noted as a No Show the Golf Operations Manager will contact you and this will be recorded in our club records.

The policy outlines how we will manage subsequent occurrences within a 12-month timeframe, including a written warning, loss of online booking privileges, suspension of playing rights and referral to the Disciplinary Committee.

Copy of policy here (and on the club member's policies page). 


State Junior Amateur Championships

On Monday 8th  and Tuesday 9th of July, we are hosting the State Junior Amateur Championships.  On both days the course will be closed to members and guests in the morning (only).  As soon as we have a clear idea from GolfWA as to when the course will be open, we will create a PM timesheet.  There may be no competition on Tuesday and casual play only from early afternoon, but that will be determined in the coming days.


Bunker Maintenance on Wednesdays and Thursdays

On Wednesdays and Thursday mornings, members may come across course staff repairing or raking bunkers.  Whilst we do seek to minimise this occurring during a competition, occasionally members are going to encounter this activity during a competition round, particularly in the morning field.

At all times, players must give way to course staff and only hit in the direction of course staff once they have received a positive signal to play.  Should your ball land in a bunker that is being repaired, the entire bunker will be considered GUR and marked accordingly. 

To take relief from a bunker that is marked as GUR, please follow rule 3.73 which states;

Relief when the entire bunker is defined as Ground Under Repair:

When a bunker is being repaired and the Committee defines the entire bunker as ground under repair, it is treated as part of the general area. If your ball is in a bunker that the Committee has defined as ground under repair, you may take free relief outside the bunker by dropping a ball in this relief area:

  • Reference Point: The nearest point of complete relief in the general area (and outside the bunker).
  • Size of Relief Area measured from Reference Point: One club length, but with these limits:
  • Limits on Location of Relief Area:
    • Must be in the general area,
    • Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
    • There must be complete relief from all interference by the ground under repair.

Glen Tueno

Club Captain

Call for nomination

Nomination Call for Hall of Fame Members 2024 

The hall of fame concept was first established in 2023 to acknowledge and recognise Gosnells Golf Club members who have contributed in the areas of either club services (including volunteering) and golf or club achievements.

The Hall of Fame Committee was created to identify and conclude nominations for the first-year hall of fame nominees in 2023. 

It was established that the maximum nominations per year would be 3 and if required, 1 additional posthumous. 

However, from 2024, the call for nominations for hall of fame members is now an invitation from the GGC membership to nominate members that have contributed in areas of either club services, golf or club achievements. The Hall of Fame committee will consider and vote on all nominations received. Additional considerations of nominations may also come within the committee. The committee consists of 5 selected members from our life members, hall of fame members, past board members and the current president. 

The general manager chairs the committee with no voting rights. 

Please submit all your nominations with a CV of the nominated member to the general manager by 23 July 2024. (Email is preferred). 

The 2024 Hall of Fame members will be celebrated on our Club Gala Night (together with all our major winners) on Saturday, 23 November 2024.

Quick updates 

A kind reminder that your MEMBER CREDIT (ONLY) will expire on 30 June. All your other accounts - top up and prize accounts do not expire. 

Please refrain from parking in the sponsor's bay if you are not the sponsor of the day's competition. Please avoid the embarrassment of being told to remove your car from the parking spot. 

Please note that Allan Bradshaw's event on Saturday 27 July will be black tees for men and red championship tees for women (par 71). The event is stroke. 


Iinet server emails resolved 

We are pleased to advise that previous issues with Iinet and Westnet emails have now been resolved by Iinet. 

We are now receiving your emails! 

We were also wrongly advised by our IT company that the email service will no longer be available in September - we do apologise for this. In our correspondence with Iinet - they have advised that the service will continue and they are working through the errors. 

Course care video

GGC Course Care video

Our new course care video is here! 

There are no excuses. The video is only 53 seconds long and covers the main area of raking bunkers, repairing divots on fairways and repairing pitch marks. 

If you have any questions about course care - particularly any tips for repairing divots on fairways - please ask any pro shop staff and we will assist. 

Video link (click here). 

Restaurant booking

Do you know that you could book your lunch or dinner online?

Head over to our website - www.gosnellsgc.com.au. Its at the top right corner. 

It is faster and easier than calling the office. 

July events

Events in July to line up your social events calendar. Please come down to the Club to support us on the events above. 

Sunday roast in July

Starts from Sunday, 7 July 2024. Please book online. 

Benefits for GGC Members 

Discount fees to be a member of Troober Prime and join for only $300 a year and your new (not existing) scuff marks/minor dents are repaired with only $50 each charge. A peace of mind when we have tight parking spots. Join here. 

Contact Gibbons Automotive (Kia, Nissan, Holden, Subaru) 9398 2211 today for 10% off service and special offers for car sales. Mention that you're a GGC member. (Address - 2325 Albany Hwy Gosnells). An offer page listing all offers from Gibbons Automotive (click here) 

Contact Europcar and receive a 15% discount by putting in the code 56125661 when you (book online here). 

Gosnells Golf Club
95 Sandringham Promenade,
Canning Vale WA 6155

P: (08) 9455 1983
E: reception@gosnellsgc.com.au


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