Dear fellow members,
Further to my announcement on Monday of our General Managers resignation, I want to set out the arrangements the board have put in place for lines of reporting and daily operations.
All Managers will report to respective board member portfolios.
- Carlee to Vice President Rob Olde (
- Bob to Chairman of Greens Matt Gannon (
- Moka to Captain Glen Tueno (
- Lisa to Treasurer Bill Keays (
- All other staff and general matters to President Shane Thompson (
We also have a new part time accounts/payroll employee (Maria) starting next week. We look forward to Maria joining our team. Please make her feel welcome.
During this temporary / transitional period, the board has sought assistance from past treasurer and current member of the finance committee, Neil Rigby. Neil will come into the office for a couple days a week to assist our office staff and redirect the GM mailbox. I will be the contact point for any other club matter.
For all operational matters, we ask members to speak directly to our department Managers - Moka for all golf related matters and Carlee for all house matters. They will be able to deal with and resolve literally most queries. For all golf course matters, please directly email our Chairman of Greens Matt Gannon.
The board is underway in seeking a replacement. We have received interest and CVs from impressive candidates who have a strong desire to lead our club and its vision. They all have experience and past leadership positions in the Perth golf industry. We are confident we will be able to appoint a new General Manager in the short term.
I hope to update members next week with our progress.