2025 Order of Merit The 2025 RSM Order of Merit (OOM) will begin on the Club's Opening Day, Saturday the 22nd of February. The Club would like to thank RSM Australia and Club member Greg Dudley for the continued support and sponsorship of this competition. The winner of the Saturday competitions (AM & PM) each week will gain 90 OOM points. Points then decrease in increments of 3 down the leaderboards. At the end of the OOM season, the member with the most points will win the major prize of $450 onto their Club prize account. Please note that OOM points will not be given out during the Gosnells Open, Club Championships, Closing Day and Saturday competitions which are team events. RSM Australia are the leading provider of tax, audit and consulting services to middle market businesses throughout Australia. Feel free to contact the team should you need some assistance and mention you are a Gosnells Golf Club member Contact Us | RSM Australia.