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Thursday 6 February 2025


Dear all members,

On behalf of the board of management, I wish to announce the appointment of our new General Manager.

We welcome Shaun Malone who will commence Monday 10th March. We will see Shaun earlier at the club on opening day, Saturday 22nd February 2025.

Shaun's previous roles include General Manager at Rockingham Golf Club and a long stint as a regional development officer with Golf WA.

Prior to this, Shaun showcased his golfing talent on the world stage, spending time in Europe and Asia. Shaun lives close to the club. He and his wife have a 6-year-old son who also enjoys golf.

Shaun is excited to meet with his staff and mix with members. We encourage all members to give Shaun a warm welcome in the coming weeks.

Shane Thompson

Club President

Gosnells Golf Club
95 Sandringham Promenade,
Canning Vale WA 6155

P: (08) 9455 1983
E: reception@gosnellsgc.com.au


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