Firstly, I would like to extend my gratitude to all members for your patience over the past few weeks as we've faced some challenges with the course. Below is Bob's detailed report, but I'd like to provide a brief summary for further clarity.
On January 13th, we experienced a pump failure affecting one of the four motors in the reticulation system, which reduced our watering capacity to 75%. While greens continued to be watered at full capacity, some fairways and roughs were reduced, resulting in heat stress in certain areas. Unfortunately, the necessary part had to be sourced from Adelaide, and it was installed on January 24th.
However, just one day after the repair, we encountered another motor failure with the newly installed pump. This issue is still being addressed, and we are currently operating at 75% watering capacity. We are working hard to resolve this and hope to have it fully resolved in the coming days. We kindly ask for your continued patience, as we are doing everything, we can to expedite the repairs. We had displayed this update in the Pro Shop, but I realise some members may have missed it, and I apologize for not sending an email notification as well.
Additionally, I've received several inquiries regarding the length of the roughs. Over the past three weeks, we've faced staffing shortages, with one team member on scheduled leave and others absent due to illness. We are actively recruiting to address this shortage and to cover other planned leaves in the next six months. If you have any further questions or would like to reach out, please feel free to email me at
On a positive note, the Greens Committee is finalising a small capital works program for the next seven months, with plans to reinvest in areas around the course that need attention. We are looking at finalising this on the 11/2/2025 at our greens meeting. We will share further details once the program is finalized.
Lastly, I'd like to acknowledge the hard work of our volunteers, who have been tirelessly maintaining their ongoing program despite the challenging heat. If you happen to see them around the course, please take a moment to thank them for their dedication. Thank you once again for your continued support and understanding